Friday, July 24, 2009

The Dog Days of Summer Fishing and Baseball

David Lee has been playing in a baseball summer league for a team called the Express. David has been lucky enough to be the team's assistant coach. David has loved helping out to coach with the team. Well, the head coach received a one game suspension from the league this week, so it meant David got to be the head coach on Wednesday night. I am proud to announce the team won their first game under David's stewardship. Additionally, he did not argue with the umpires one time about any calls. He did such a great job encouraging the boys and being a gracious winner. His official won loss record as a coach is currently 1-0. Way to go DAVE!
Spencer and Jack have been going to the big pond lately to catch fish. They have caught about a dozen or so over the past couple of days. Jack says the fish are so big and that they weigh at least 10 pounds. Now that's a true fisherman, he is already telling his fish tales. I loved them going fishing because they stay out of my hair for a couple of hours. But I did promise Jack we would go and get his own pole tonight so he would not have to share Spencer's anymore.

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